Friday, June 19, 2009

Through ‘Green Revolution’, this man and his dedicated team had helped arrest hunger in India in the late sixties.

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"Main problem is lack of a political visionary"

What will happen if the Indian agrarian sector collapses completely?

We should not allow that to happen. It is not possible to imagine a non-agrarian India. Only farm sector can provide jobs in highly populated India. Modern industrial growth is a jobless growth.

How to prevent this?

For the first time in India, “The National Policy for Farmers” (not for farming, mind you) was introduced in the Parliament in November 2007. But sadly, no action has been taken. Since the very beginning, this policy was there with the Parliament but no one seemed to bother.

What’s your opinion on the rural-urban divide and its impact on the agrarian crisis?

Yes, there is a clear cut divide in India. One is 'shining' India and the other one is 'suffering' India; one that constitutes the majority. Today, if you look at the nutrition figures by International Food Policy Research Institute, the clear picture emerges. Recently, they published a report titled, “Hunger and Deaths in Indian States”. Most of the revelations in that report are very scary, alarming.

Are special measures like Vidarbha Package the answer?

The outlay-outcome relationship is very poor. Even Finance Minister Chidambaram accepts that. Just allocating crores of rupees in the name of packages won’t solve this problem. But on ground these missions and packages are not making any impact.

The major problem is that in most of the cases, we have not understood the agricultural pattern of our own nation. Eighty per cent farmers are small landholders. First of all, we have to understand the land use pattern and then start reformation.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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