Tuesday, June 9, 2009

‘Lolita’ enacted in Patna

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

They blackened his face and beat his paramour in the premises of a police station in Patna. But through all this, including suffering a suspension from his job, Matuknath Chaudhury and his lover Julie have stuck it out, making it the most controversial, media-covered romance of recent times.

He was 54 and she, just 22. He was then (2006) a professor of Hindi at BN College Patna, and she, his student, who helped him edit a Hindi magazine. But they were secretly in love. And his wife found out. What followed was first a murky drama, and then became a model of lovers’ commitment.

His wife told the police that he had been luring young girls with promises to give them high marks. But when the police arrested him from his house, he was with Julie, and both made it clear as daylight: they were madly in love with each other. And remember: extramarital affairs are not acceptable anywhere, and here were two lovers in highly conservative Bihar! The allegation of luring girls became dirty later on, when Matuknath told the media that his wife herself helped him lure girls, and indeed, she was the one who had helped him lure Julie, but he nevertheless proclaimed that his love for Julie was firm and final.

In March 2007, Matuknath and Julie – in Patna ­ – went to watch the film "Nishabd", on just such a relationship as theirs, and got himself some more muck on the face from an angry public.

Next month, working as guest editor of a magazine in Bhopal, he wrote, “People do not accept that I am married and am old. They do not realise that in love, such things are immaterial!” That, in fact, is what “Lolita”, the 1955 novel on the love between a professor and a 14-year-old girl, was all about, practically predicting the Matuknath-Julie affair!

Onkareshwar Pandey

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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