Tuesday, June 23, 2009

He is the first American President to have so completely won over the Arab street

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Obama’s Cairo Moment

The only trouble is that many opinion makers in the region doubt that the tone will indeed get translated into intent. And this is a constituency that Obama must be careful not to neglect, because the only other agenda setters are, well, the fundamentalists.

“As far as I am concerned he can make more such speeches. The Arabs are a patient lot. But somewhere down the line they may want to know whether anything on the ground has actually changed,” Mohammad Marandi, an expert on Muslim-American relationship at the dept. of north American studies at Tehran University, told TSI.

Yet the majority was clearly swept off its feet. Past American Presidents too had spoken of the importance of mending fences with the Muslim world. But most of them were seen to be playing to the gallery; whereas this time it seemed to come straight from the heart. And as one Obama fan said, “If this is indeed a performance, mind you it is a bloody good one!”

Obama had begun with the customary salutation in Arabic, Assalamu Alaikum – and then gone on to list several grievances that the Muslims had against the US. He also quoted liberally from the Quran, drawing thunderous ovation from his listeners at Cairo University and from Damascus to Dagestan.

“It is possibly for the first time that America has shown signs that it is willing to accommodate others’ points of view too. There cannot be better news than this,” Saudi political analyst Khalid al-Dakhil told this correspondent on the phone from Riyadh.

Indeed Obama has sent out enough signals that he is not going to let America appear as though it is conjoined to Israel. His particularly tough stand on the settlements issue and several other comments suggests a revolutionary break with the Israel policy followed by previous US administrations.

Saurabh Kumar Shahi

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
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