Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tale of horror and stench

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The Golden Temple’s desecration during Operation Blue Star traumatised many. Jagtar Singh recounts his experience

As the announcement by Punjab and Chandigarh governments about the imposition of a 36-hour curfew reached newspaper offices by 8.00 pm, it was not received with any sense of disbelief. The announcement made it clear that all movement had been banned in Punjab and Chandigarh during the period under curfew and this included interior rural areas.

People sitting in offices rushed to arrange for necessary provisions. Two days earlier, very heavy firing had been exchanged between the para-military forces and militants holed up inside the Golden Temple complex. Army movement had been observed in Punjab towards the end of the third week.

It was clear to the media that some action was about to begin as Punjab had been formally handed over to the army. It turned out to be a 72-hour curfew. Operation Blue Star was on. All communication links to the state had been snapped. No information was available as to what was happening in Punjab.

It was on June 6, 1984, towards the evening that newsmen were taken to the official briefing by the Western Army Commander, Lt. General K Sundarji, at Punjab Bhavan, the first real word on Operation Blue Star. Yet it was only days later that the newsmen were airlifted to the war zone that was the Golden Temple complex.

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Monday, June 29, 2009

Time to combat enemies

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It is unbelievable that Indian government is not taking adequate measures to help Tamils in Sri Lanka. We only depend on the United Nation to intervene in the matter. Instead of helping, we are busy using our vocal chord which is not going to help them. China is constructing a harbour on Lankan coast. We are surrounded by our enemies and the worst part is that they are getting united.

Supreet Verma


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Friday, June 26, 2009

The LDF debacle in Kerala had a lot to do with the CPM’s anti-Christian stance, reports T. Satisan

The IRE of the Church

While the aforementioned line of thinking is the official version of the Church, even an independent point of view would corroborate the claim that the Christian ire against the CPM is justified. There was even an allegation that CPM state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan had called the Bishops ‘dirty creatures’ in connection with a controversy regarding the last rites of late CPM MLA Mathai Chacko. And the media was always rife with reports of fierce attacks and counter-attacks involving CPM leaders and the Church.

Even the recommendations of the Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer Commission for law reforms instituted by the state government triggered a controversy. When the Commission recommended that there should be a mechanism for the believers’ control over the Church properties, the Christian community was up in arms. Despite the government statement that they were not thinking about implementing the recommendations, the community jumped to the conclusion that the recommendations would be implemented as they are. In the last two years, numerous circulars were issued by the Church against the Leftist government.

The state also witnessed a raging controversy regarding a school textbook, which provoked the ire of the Christian community. The matter was eventually settled but not before a lot of mudslinging between the Church and the LDF.

In recent times, Kerala has seen a series of street processions led by the Church. Most of them have been against the policies of the government regarding education and the aforementioned textbook controversy. During the protests, Christian schools remained closed for a day as a token of solidarity with the cause.

The animosity between the two forces has reached a point of no return. UDF, led by the Congress, has capitalised on the situation. But the faction-ridden CPM, with the SNC Lavalin scandal erupting, could not do any fire-fighting. As a last resort, CPM leaders resorted to much whining on television channels. Sindhu Joy, the CPM parliamentary candidate from the Ernakulam constituency, visited a very important office-bearer of the Church and sought his vote. The high priest refused point blank. He alleged that even though she was a Christian, Sindhu did not know anything about the Catholic Church.

Instead of beating a diplomatic retreat, she kept asserting that she was a true Catholic and deserved the full support of the Church. The priest still refused to help her out. Strangely, the entire episode took place in front of TV cameras. Sindhu is a national vice president of the Students Federation of India and her behaviour only served to dent the CPM’s chances. The 31-year-old Left candidate had to bite the dust at the hands of the sexagenerian Prof. K.V. Thomas.

The fact that Thomas managed a victory margin of 10,000-odd votes in the Christian-dominated constituency proves that the wrath of the Church played an important role in Ernakulam. The scenario was pretty much the same in numerous other constituencies.

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

There is no doubt that the first 100 days of the government and the new ministers at task are crucial – they should set up a blueprint and.....

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Time to act

A. Chaudhuri has rightly stated that since independence, our foreign policy has been somewhat faulty and all thanks to Nehru for that. His take on Jawaharlal Nehru, not taking any strict stance on Tamilians getting their independent rights is very true. Had Nehru checked his weak policies which led to China’s nonstop growing clout in its neighbourhood, we for sure would not have landed in the mess we are in today. I am not questioning the fact that he was a patriot, a great freedom fighter who bravely faced personal privation and misfortune during the struggle. But his not acting on the front will always put him under scrutiny. Manmohan Singh should definitely look into it immediately. Although the developments in Sri Lanka have a direct bearing on the politics in Tamil Nadu and the Congress party is an ally of the ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu and the DMK is an alliance partner of the UPA government at the Centre, Manmohan Singh should finally act and show what he can do to defend its people and their rights across the world.

Archana Gupta

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Going into the French Open final at Paris last Sunday, one thing was certain, there would be tears from Roger Federer whether he won or lost.

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Federer Lets It Flow

Maybe Federer, whose footwork evokes ballet, whose Swiss-taught linguistic skills are the envy of many, was rewarded by the tennis gods for being an open man, for sharing with the world how much he cares.

How else to explain the divine parting of the draw as the world’s best players went down, especially Nadal to an overachieving Soderling in the fourth round? Then rain slowed the red clay court in the hours before the final, blunting Soderling’s power, favouring Federer’s movement and variety. Unbreakable on serve, fierce with his forehand, dead-on with his drop shot, Federer was threatened only in the second set when Soderling served himself into a tie breaker. Federer then came up aces on the four balls he served.

“When there was a chance to make it a match, you saw what he did,” Rod Laver said from his Southern California home. “Amazing, the other guy didn’t put his racket on one ball.” Three years ago, Laver presented Federer the trophy in Melbourne after career slam No 7.

“I shook his hand, gave him the trophy, he went to the mic and couldn’t get any words out,” Laver said. “Afterward, when we were inside, he gave me a hug and said, ‘I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it.’ But I was touched by how much it meant to him, by how much of a historian he is, how much he knows about the years that I played.”

Even if Federer never wins again, Sampras is already out of the greatest-of-all-time discussion. He never so much as made a French final. But what about Laver? He won a Grand Slam as an amateur, another as a professional. In between, he lost five years of eligibility in Grand Slam tournaments, limiting his career victory total to 11.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

He is the first American President to have so completely won over the Arab street

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Obama’s Cairo Moment

The only trouble is that many opinion makers in the region doubt that the tone will indeed get translated into intent. And this is a constituency that Obama must be careful not to neglect, because the only other agenda setters are, well, the fundamentalists.

“As far as I am concerned he can make more such speeches. The Arabs are a patient lot. But somewhere down the line they may want to know whether anything on the ground has actually changed,” Mohammad Marandi, an expert on Muslim-American relationship at the dept. of north American studies at Tehran University, told TSI.

Yet the majority was clearly swept off its feet. Past American Presidents too had spoken of the importance of mending fences with the Muslim world. But most of them were seen to be playing to the gallery; whereas this time it seemed to come straight from the heart. And as one Obama fan said, “If this is indeed a performance, mind you it is a bloody good one!”

Obama had begun with the customary salutation in Arabic, Assalamu Alaikum – and then gone on to list several grievances that the Muslims had against the US. He also quoted liberally from the Quran, drawing thunderous ovation from his listeners at Cairo University and from Damascus to Dagestan.

“It is possibly for the first time that America has shown signs that it is willing to accommodate others’ points of view too. There cannot be better news than this,” Saudi political analyst Khalid al-Dakhil told this correspondent on the phone from Riyadh.

Indeed Obama has sent out enough signals that he is not going to let America appear as though it is conjoined to Israel. His particularly tough stand on the settlements issue and several other comments suggests a revolutionary break with the Israel policy followed by previous US administrations.

Saurabh Kumar Shahi

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Monday, June 22, 2009

So, don’t worry about what you say… focus on how you say it and on making your audience feel it…

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On the day, Akram found himself in the class with 15 other students, who, like him, seemed to find the language difficult to handle and their complexes had given birth to inner demons that hounded them. “We communicate because we want to touch lives and move minds, and that objective should never be lost” said B. “We are creatures of emotion and it’s our emotional existence that tells us, and the world that we are alive. To put a spin on what Descartes said, ‘I feel, therefore I am’. So, don’t worry about what you say… focus on how you say it and on making your audience feel it… if you speak with passion, energy, emotions and have a story, the errors will fade away”. Then B gave them an assignment. All the students were given a historical character of their choice, from Adolf Hitler to Mao Tse tung; then they were given historical situations wherein they had to address a large gathering and inspire them into action as those greats from history. The 16 of them had to build a speech around the occasion and invoke the fire of that character into it. Akram picked Sir William Wallace, the valiant Scottish hero who fought against the English…

Once all the students were ready, B wished them and said “Don’t speak to us, your audience, but speak to our hearts, for that’s what matters…” When Akram got up to speak, his big brown eyes pierced into the mass of students. He unbuttoned his jacket and pointed at his audience, and with a voice that roared like a wounded lion, he said “Children of Scotland, hear me speak….

I am William Wallace…..”. That day, the fire in Akram’s heart singed the audience’s soul. The errors were still there but Akram didn’t care, for he spoke like a man possessed… He got a standing ovation and Mr B and his friends hugged him. Then on, Akram, in spite of his limitations, became a star speaker who never failed to move and impress his audience.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Israel stumbles for alliance

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Netanyahu is poised to form the new coalition govt

People in Mid-East used to joke around that if you leave two Zionists in a room, they will come out with three political parties. The present condition of Israeli politics is no different. No wonder that even after two weeks of elections, Israel is still to get a new government.

Israeli President Simon Peres has set six-week time to Benjamin Netanyahu, the hawkish boss of Israel’s largest right-wing party, Likud, to shape a coalition administration. Netanyahu bagged the call to form a government following the ultra-right nationalist Avigdor Lieberman – whose Yisrael Beiteinu party drubbed Olmert led Labour into fourth place – recommend Netanyahu as the next head of the government.

Netanyahu enjoys the backing of a majority of the 120 Knesset constituent but he is restless to pass up outlining an ideologically tapered right-wing administration. This would also leave Netanyahu depending on Lieberman, who has campaigned for banishing Israeli-Arabs who refuse to pledge a vow of allegiance to the state, and the ultra-orthodox Shas party.

Lieberman, a staunch secularist, is in addition expected to be at odds with Shas' religious headship over financial support for religious establishments and civil marriages. An identical alliance, formed by Netanyahu in 1996, disintegrated in little more two years after right-wing parties pulled out of the coalition, following territorial concessions to the Palestinians. “We are all conscious that a right-wing religious alliance will lead Netanyahu to pressure from the western nations. It is not at all surprising that he is gunning for a broad coalition," said Shmuel Sandler, an expert on the Israeli politics system at Bar-Ilan University, while talking to TSI.

A broader coalition will not be easy to form. The first round of talks with his main electoral rival, Tzipi Livni, the Kadima leader, and Ehud Barak, the Labour leader, has been inconclusive. Livni implied that a least condition may be Netanyahu backing down on his opposition to discussions on a two-state resolution with the moderate Palestinian headship in the West Bank. The Palestinian headship has explicitly scorned that advance. There is a genuine fear among Jews in Israel that Arabs will outnumber the Jews in few more years and that might “threaten” the “Jewish nature” of the state of Israel. Over to Netanyahu.

Saurabh Kumar Shahi

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Through ‘Green Revolution’, this man and his dedicated team had helped arrest hunger in India in the late sixties.

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"Main problem is lack of a political visionary"

What will happen if the Indian agrarian sector collapses completely?

We should not allow that to happen. It is not possible to imagine a non-agrarian India. Only farm sector can provide jobs in highly populated India. Modern industrial growth is a jobless growth.

How to prevent this?

For the first time in India, “The National Policy for Farmers” (not for farming, mind you) was introduced in the Parliament in November 2007. But sadly, no action has been taken. Since the very beginning, this policy was there with the Parliament but no one seemed to bother.

What’s your opinion on the rural-urban divide and its impact on the agrarian crisis?

Yes, there is a clear cut divide in India. One is 'shining' India and the other one is 'suffering' India; one that constitutes the majority. Today, if you look at the nutrition figures by International Food Policy Research Institute, the clear picture emerges. Recently, they published a report titled, “Hunger and Deaths in Indian States”. Most of the revelations in that report are very scary, alarming.

Are special measures like Vidarbha Package the answer?

The outlay-outcome relationship is very poor. Even Finance Minister Chidambaram accepts that. Just allocating crores of rupees in the name of packages won’t solve this problem. But on ground these missions and packages are not making any impact.

The major problem is that in most of the cases, we have not understood the agricultural pattern of our own nation. Eighty per cent farmers are small landholders. First of all, we have to understand the land use pattern and then start reformation.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In fact, interminable delays have once again become the norm for passengers at stations.

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It is also quite possible that the Railway Minister has been spared the blushes by an indulgent media that is entertained by his theatrics. In the winters just gone by, every TV channel and newspaper was repeatedly slamming commercial airlines and the aviation ministry for delays in flights caused by fogs. Even a four hour delay triggered hysteria with live reports from outside Delhi airport and angry passengers denouncing the delays and discomfort. But hardly any attention was paid to the absolute mayhem and pandemonium that prevailed in New Delhi Railway Station during the same time. It was routine for trains to be delayed by up to 24 hours; for trains to be cancelled, postponed or rescheduled at the last minute and for enquiry and information systems to completely break down. In fact, interminable delays have once again become the norm for passengers at stations.

The simple reason for this is that the Minister has resorted to gimmicks rather than long-term investments in improving infrastructure in terms of passenger amenities, upgraded racks and signalling systems. Hundreds of new trains have been added without any increase in the ability of racks and signal and switching systems to handle them. The result, inevitably, is chaos and misery for passengers. The irresponsible expansion in the number of trains also leads to an increase in the danger of accidents. The Coromandel Express disaster, where nine people died, has served as a timely reminder of the grave results of runaway populism.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Choosing to skip the phase of real responsibilities in life, a happily-married working couple shares their reasons of being child free by choice…

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

Toddlers... off my back!


Low fertility rate is a big is

ue in the European countries. Pro-baby policies have been introduced to revive the birth rate and help couples balance family and career. Norway gives about 54 weeks of maternity leave where a woman is paid 80 per cent of her salary. In Europe, France has the highest birth rate. Highest numbers of French women work between the ages of 25 and 49 due to the ease of cheap health care, low-cost preschools – for infants as young as six months – subsidised at-home care, generous maternity leaves and tax and transportation breaks. The next reason stems from the first one. Why should one go through such a thing when there is a lot of room for dreaming and aspiring but very little time and fortune to actually live it? We have found each other and we share a great understanding. There is so much that we want to explore in the world together with a carefree mind. The entire idea of constantly taking care of kids and spending all that you are earning to secure comfortable future for them or saving up for one’s retirement is so compromising. In fact, when we look around at people who have kids, we feel even more convinced about not going through such a challenging lifestyle. For that matter, there are so many couples with kids who envy our freedom and ease, the freedom of packing bags anytime for a brief vacation and the ease of not living in haste and instead having a lot of time at hand to nurture new interests and dreams, that too at any age.

Not that there isn’t a flip side to this choice. One, as they all say, during old age it feels really good when your grandchildren visit you or when there is someone who is concerned for you in times of trouble. The other one is what the experienced ones tell, that children keep the flame of passion ignited and render strength of responsibility to save it from becoming a footloose relationship. About the former, we can only feel sad. And in the case of the latter, the mere presence of kids cannot guarantee the robustness of a relationship. Besides, the reasons for stress increase.”

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IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Monday, June 15, 2009

The Americans prompt a strategic Pakistani admission of culpability in the Mumbai slaughter. Ranjit Bhushan examines the larger picture

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

The Holbrooke Covenant

In Washington, State Department spokesman, Robert Wood, welcomed the Pakistani step. Both India and the United States have put strong pressure on Pakistan for some concession regarding the Mumbai attacks, which American officials feared were distracting Pakistan from the task of battling Taliban and Al- Qaeda militants based inside Pakistani territory.

A day later, Malik told reporters that 124 people, including top Jamaat ud Dawa (JuD) leaders, the theological gurus of Lashkar-e-Tayebba (LeT), have been arrested in a crackdown on groups linked to the attacks in Mumbai.

The contrarian view on the latest developments was that despite Pakistan’s candid admission, it needed watching: that its propensity to run with the hare and hunt with the hound were far too innumerable to ignore. Columnist Swapan Dasgupta in a weekly write up warned that "if Pakistan gets the impression it can escape the consequences of the Mumbai massacre by a qualified confession but no real punishment, it will be the green signal for other operations against India. Only this time, the controllers in the cantonment will ensure that there are no footprints which can be traced back to Pakistan.’’

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Let's clarify some 'debts'!

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

It's not a difficult task for a multinational, which has $29 billion of cash and investments, to clear all its debts. Cisco Systems Inc. has an estimated debt of $6 billion (out of which $3-4 billion is held in US only), for which it launched a huge $4 billion debt sale, raising suspicions that it was all set to acquire some company. Cisco has also offered senior notes to pay back $500 million debt due to be paid in February. The proceeds from this offering will be used to strengthen its domestic cash reserves of $3-4 billion, which will be utilised for general expenses and also to repay debt.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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IIPM Ranked No. 1 B-School In Global Exposre - Zee...

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The Hindu Business Line : IIPM placements hit a high of over 2000 jobs
Deccan Herald - IIPM ranked as top B-School in India
India eNews - IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India
IIPM Delhi - Indian Institute of Planning and Management New Delhi ...
domain-b.com : IIPM ranked ahead of IIMs
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Thursday, June 11, 2009

And all that Kobita would do is nod, smile, giggle and mouth the lines that he just said and repeat them like a parrot…

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

Kobita and I had stayed in touch over letters and emails but I hadn’t seen her since school. So when I did see her recently, I was rather disappointed. Why? Well, because when I met her a few months back, I couldn’t recognise her. She’d grown prettier, and a wee bit plumper, than she was in school but it wasn’t about her appearance… it was her soul. I couldn’t see it, and I have a feeling that nor can Nik. You see, in the two hours we spent together, Kobita didn’t once disagree with Nik. Though a measured talker, Nik had very strong opinions, even about things like the party plans for their daughter Koel’s birthday. And all that Kobita would do is nod, smile, giggle and mouth the lines that he just said and repeat them like a parrot… at times she would offer token resistance and disagree but I could see she didn’t mean any of it.

Look at her now… her life looks complete, doesn’t it? A big mansion, a closet full of fine clothes, a big rock on her finger, a beautiful little baby and an affectionate and successful husband. But… she’s bored. And it isn’t anybody else’s fault but her own. She has become a boring yes-girl. Agreed her husband is a confident, dynamic and a very willful person who might not be easy to disagree with. But he does not need a ‘yes-girl’. He will have enough of them at work.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.

Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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IIPM awards four Bengali novelists
The Hindu : Education Plus : Honour for IIPM
IIPM ranked No.1 B-School in India, Management News - By ...
IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

While today's youngsters complain about getting a raw deal from keepers of the law and not being able to express their love freely,

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

Unlawful entry?

Police patrolling is required and hats off to all the officers who can now be spotted at every nook and corner in the city even in the wee hours. But if the purpose is to curtail the number of rapes and molestations, then why ask for big sums of money from two consenting adults? “We were asked for money but we had none. We were only in college then. So they threatened us with the usual – calling our parents and taking us to the police station. At that time, we apologised – for what, I still don’t know – and sped away from the spot,” remembers Shweta.

Today, the rules of the game called love, its aches and its soothers, are different from what they were ones, and surely, will be different for the next generation too. Young people will do what young people do. It is for parents to reconsider their values and perspectives. Instead of imposing and using fear to make youngsters refrain, parents should perhaps empower them with knowledge so they can choose between the moral sin of bribing and understanding their evolving needs and expressing them without fear...

Swati Hora

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

‘Lolita’ enacted in Patna

The Most Revolutionary Concept In Education PLANMAN CHE CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, Supported by IIPM India’s Leading B-School

They blackened his face and beat his paramour in the premises of a police station in Patna. But through all this, including suffering a suspension from his job, Matuknath Chaudhury and his lover Julie have stuck it out, making it the most controversial, media-covered romance of recent times.

He was 54 and she, just 22. He was then (2006) a professor of Hindi at BN College Patna, and she, his student, who helped him edit a Hindi magazine. But they were secretly in love. And his wife found out. What followed was first a murky drama, and then became a model of lovers’ commitment.

His wife told the police that he had been luring young girls with promises to give them high marks. But when the police arrested him from his house, he was with Julie, and both made it clear as daylight: they were madly in love with each other. And remember: extramarital affairs are not acceptable anywhere, and here were two lovers in highly conservative Bihar! The allegation of luring girls became dirty later on, when Matuknath told the media that his wife herself helped him lure girls, and indeed, she was the one who had helped him lure Julie, but he nevertheless proclaimed that his love for Julie was firm and final.

In March 2007, Matuknath and Julie – in Patna ­ – went to watch the film "Nishabd", on just such a relationship as theirs, and got himself some more muck on the face from an angry public.

Next month, working as guest editor of a magazine in Bhopal, he wrote, “People do not accept that I am married and am old. They do not realise that in love, such things are immaterial!” That, in fact, is what “Lolita”, the 1955 novel on the love between a professor and a 14-year-old girl, was all about, practically predicting the Matuknath-Julie affair!

Onkareshwar Pandey

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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IIPM Ranked No. 1 B-School In Global Exposre - Zee...

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1500-plus IIPM students placed across the country with 44 bagging international offers
IIPM set to beat economic slowdown
IIPM - Admission Procedure
IIPM awards four Bengali novelists
The Hindu : Education Plus : Honour for IIPM
IIPM ranked No.1 B-School in India, Management News - By ...
IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India