Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Superseding God

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The common belief that God writes a man’s future is being trashed, as more and more educated, well-to-do families consult astrologers to decide birth timing, says TSI’s Rajan Prakash

Is there… can there be... a precise time for making love, just so that nine months later the baby is born at the precise time that the astrologer says is propitious for its landing on earth? Filial affection seems to have reached such heights, accentuated by the uncertainties of global recession, that more and more parents are wanting to see the child delivered according to astrological predictions, so that its future is secure. And this superstition is not raging through just uneducated masses of Dharavi or some Delhi slum.

When doctors were cutting up the tummy of Ajay Sharma’s wife, he was pacing up and down outside the operation theatre. The timing must be right, he kept mumbling… between 12 and 12.23, not later than that…. The astrologer had said that after 12.23, the time was not right. Astrologer Pravdesh Mishra (all names changed on request) had consulted both, his and his wife’s horoscopes in minute detail. And they had paid him a hefty fee. Ajay’s other relatives too were tense, some sitting in the hospital corridor, some waiting with the thumb on the green button of the mobile phone.

Ajay and wife Sumita already had a daughter, and it was not as if the couple were desperate for a male child. Whichever gender, they had decided, the child must have a smooth life, which is why when some advised that they should consult an astrologer to get the precise opportune hour for the baby to arrive.

Presently, the door of the OT opened and the doctor congratulated Ajay. The couple was blessed with another baby girl. “Your wife is in a serious condition, due to excessive bleeding from the caesarean, but she will survive, don’t worry.” Ajay did worry about his bleeding wife, but at least, as he was assured, the child had been born at the nick of time.

It is difficult to believe that this could be a phenomenon in educated urban middle class India, but it is. This trend is sweeping across north India, and thousands of astrologers and private ‘mother&child’ nursing homes are the beneficiaries. Couples are consulting astrologers for the timing, and requesting doctors to ensure that the child arrives at the right time. There is only one way that the doctors can do that: caesarean section. But that is not always safe, nor secure for the mothers or the children.

Take the case of Bal Kameshwar from Darbhanga, Bihar. The superstition proved costly for him and his family. Kameshwar himself is a professional astrologer. He practically does not eat or sleep but at the appointed hour prescribed by horology. It is natural that he would use the Ephemeris to calculate when his offspring should see the light of day for the first time. He too was extremely worried, waiting outside the OT.

His calculation showed that the child should be born at least an hour after three that afternoon. Yet, the doctor had taken his wife to the labour room early, and the delivery was due any time, and it was not even 2.30 pm.

They had pleaded with the doctor to try to delay the delivery. They had asked if there was any concoction or potion that could keep the birth held up for at least a few hours. The stunned doctor had said “No, are you crazy?”

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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