Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pampered and subsidised, the multiplexes' demand for higher revenue cuts from movies is not just absurd; it reeks of a dishonest bullying tactic

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Bollywood Bullies

Today, the handful of multiplexes contribute about a third to half (depending on which report or consultant you believe) of the total revenues in this $2 billion industry. With above average occupancy rates (vis-à-vis single screen theatres) and higher ticket prices, splitting revenues definitely is an attractive option. But why keep the upper hand in the negotiation and demand terms better than a 50-50 split based on movie performance? For multiplexes, it’s simple economics. A big banner movie doing well rakes in the moolah that helps them subsidise their expanding operations in smaller cities (where average occupancy is less) and other screens in the same city. It is ridiculous, though, for a producer who risks huge amounts of money (especially now with financing drying up for movies) in making and marketing a film. A KPMG report points out that theatrical receipts make up 70% of a Bollywood film compared to a figure of 35% for a Hollywood film. Naturally, sink or swim at the box office is a matter of survival for the producer with the film so heavily dependent on its box office performance. No wonder, a producer like Mukesh Bhatt is fuming at the state of affairs. He told TSI: "It is not that no questions were raised on profit sharing. Negotiations used to happen but unfortunately, weren’t taken up seriously by them. When multiplexes had initially started off, there was a 50% sharing percentage but slowly as they picked up, they started demanding for more. It is the question of our survival. Profit sharing is our right. I see no reason why the multiplexes should have a problem. The producers make a film, incur all the expenditure in terms of promotion etc and these multiplexes just put it up, and also chuck it out as per their call of whether it is a hit or a flop. They are nobody to take that call.” The multiplexes are looking at a short-term gain, craving a bigger piece of the current pie, not realising that clever positioning can help them expand the pie without squabbling over a percentage point or two of revenues. Says Shubho Shekhar Bhattacharjee: "With the current standoff, the producers are not really getting affected. Due to elections and IPL coming up, as it is we would have seen few releases. So it's the call of the multiplexes now. They have to sort the problem because they will be at a greater loss.”

There are always alternatives to the multiplexes – be it DTH, web distribution or rentals. But the Indian market will take time to evolve. Says Mahesh Bhatt: "Technology is changing at a very fast pace. And of course, new and better technology will keep reaching the consumers.” In the meantime, the box office rules. But who rules the box office? The pampered bully who goes by the name of a multiplex? "If we succumb to their pressure, we are finished," says Mukesh Bhatt. The producers are united in a sort of a last stand. It looks like this fight for fair rights at the box office will be playing at a multiplex near you for quite sometime to come.

Tareque Laskar with inputs from Spriha Srivastava

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

In the three coastal districts of Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam, of the 48 assembly constituencies the Congress had won 40 in 2004;

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Andhra Pradesh

PRP could prove the kingmaker

Contrary to popular assumptions, the real threat to the Congress this time is not the grand alliance but the Praja Rajyam Party (PRP). The latter’s vote share is what will finally decide the winner. In the three coastal districts of Krishna, Guntur and Prakasam, of the 48 assembly constituencies the Congress had won 40 in 2004; whereas the TDP had managed to win only four. Independents won two and the CPI and CPI (M) one each. Back then, the Congress had grabbed most of these seats, with a margin exceeding 15% of the total vote share. After reorganisation, there are 45 assembly constituencies in these three districts. The PRP’s entry has profoundly altered power equations – to the extent that both the Congress and the TDP fear that if their candidates lose, it will in large measure be because of the PRP. Says M. Koteswara Rao, a student from Guntur: “The PRP has been drawing huge turnouts at public meetings, and will play a crucial role in deciding the winners in most of the constituncies.”

Chandrababu had been luring voters with “cash transfer” pledges and colour television sets for poor households. A once strong opponent of a separate Telangana, he has now done a complete volte face; he now supports its statehood!

Chiranjeevi’s younger brother, son and nephew are well known Tollywood heroes. All three inherited his fans, as though they were family property! The grapevine also has it that the PRP has sold tickets worth crores of rupees. In the last elections all the alliance partners – the TRS, the CPI and the CPI (M) – benefited, along with the Congress. All were exploiting the anti-incumbency factor. But now the three have aligned with the TDP to dethrone the Congress. This is the first time since its formation that Andhra Pradesh has three major political parties clamouring for the electoral pie.

Nageswara Rao Thamanam

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

With EC banning exit and opinion polls for elections, it is worth looking at why poll predictions are increasingly going off the mark.

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Building castles in the air

Why do poll predictions go so awry? B.S. Chandrasekhar, an audience research expert – a man who tracks attitudinal behaviour of voters - attempts to unravel the statistical puzzle in an interview to TSI: “Most psephologists believe that the margin of standard error in a sample size of 10,000 is around 0.5 percent. Some of them consider a margin of 0.15 as standard error in a sample size of 1 lakh. A difference on the vote share of two percent could result in difference of 12 seats in the Lok Sabha. That margin of standard error gets to be larger in bigger states like UP and Bihar.”

Analysts say that data collected by agencies is of poor quality and their reach in geographically diverse states, suspect.

For the 2004 poll prediction disaster, for instance, NDTV-AC Neilson claimed it had taken a sample size of 1, 22,000. A large size, no doubt, but was it large enough? Samples had been collected from 213 constituencies out of 543, which on face value looks good, but when pitched against the sheer diversity and staggering numbers that come into play on India’s electoral calculus, it is probably no more than a small blip.

Most analysts agree poll prediction is a risky job, but say dangers are magnified when psephologists take their job casually. Countless times predictions are made on the basis of half-baked samples. Exit-poll forecasts are released even before the last vote has been cast.

During the 2004 Lok Sabha in Uttar Pradesh, the election process was to conclude in three phases, but the complete forecast was laid out after Phase 1 and 2, according to which the BJP was slated to get 30 (Aaj Tak), 28 (NDTV), 36 (Star News), but actually slumped to a paltry 11 because the concluding rounds had not been taken into their consideration. “They know its wrong, but they still do it,’’ believes B S Chandrasekhar. You could put it down to compulsions of the marketplace

Crystal ball gazing in Uttar Pradesh is tricky anyway. During the 2007 assembly election, no pundit was quite able to read the UP electorate and their resolve to put Mayawati in front. The CNN-IBN-CSDS predicted a neck-to-neck fight between BSP and SP and gave BSP only 140-150 seats, which in the final analysis, turned out to be 50-60 seats shorter.

Do pollsters confuse between opinion and exit polls? ``Channels starts beaming exit poll outcomes from 5 p.m. on the basis of voting till 2 p.m. But there is no revision of the forecast when voting is complete. The voting pattern in the afternoon is not taken into account, which is a major flaw, because in the afternoon, it tends to be heavier. Secondly, exit poll locations are not representative and far flung areas remain inaccessible,’’ says Prabhkar, head of media lab at the Centre for Media Studies (CMS).

In addition, pollsters have failed to understand the psychology of voters. There is no tested methodology to ascertain the margin of error in replies from respondents. Statistician and psephologist Rajeev Laxman Karnandikar, reacting to TSI’s question on varying poll predictions by TV channels and other agencies, clarifies: “There samples are different and so the methodologies of prediction.” Not surprisingly, so are the declared results.

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You see in urban areas the caste factor hardly even exists.

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Is there no solution to the caste problem, no way for politics to be rid of caste considerations once and for all?

This is a thousand years old social issue… not so much a political issue as a social issue. I think as development speeds up people will get more opportunities to want to enter politics. And as this happens, caste considerations will automatically cease to matter. You see in urban areas the caste factor hardly even exists. It’s only in the rural areas that caste plays such a dominant role.

Do you think reservations are helping the underprivileged sections, or are they actually hampering the nation’s growth?

I don’t think reservations hamper the nation’s development. I believe they are necessary.

Don’t you agree that all deprived people must be treated equally and benefits made available to them all (especially in the education sector) enabling them to compete with the affluent sections?

These people have been oppressed for thousands of years. And I think it is good to give them opportunities to compete with the haves in society.

What are the factors that provoked the recent terrorist attacks in the country? Can these be blamed on the Godhra riots or the Kashmir dispute?

I can’t answer this question. Ask the terrorists.

Can smart advertising campaigns help parties win elections in India?

These are an important part of elections, but not everything.

Why didn’t BJP’s ‘India Shining’ slogan work? Do you think the Congress party’s ‘Jai ho’ slogan will do the trick?

‘Jai ho’ is not a Congress slogan. It signifies development and unity.

You are always so calm and composed, even when you are under stress…

Also, how do you always manage to respond so wisely to the Opposition’s comments?

I have no idea. (Smiles)

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IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Sidhu has managed to beat Congress heavyweights and might just pull it off this time again.

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Navjyot Singh Sidhu

From a ‘strokeless wonder’ to an alleged murderer to the most voluble cricket commentator to laughter show judge, Navjyot Sidhu has donned many hats. But the one that has defined his life in the most telling way over the last decade or so has been that of a politician. In successive elections, Sidhu has managed to beat Congress heavyweights and might just pull it off this time again.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

As the first round of nominations approach, there are indications that this could be one of the stormiest elections. TSI touches upon the best...

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Mercury rises, as does poll fever

H.D.Kumaraswamy : Karnataka

Open debate

It's not just L.K.Advani who is challenging Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in an open debate. Karnataka’s ex-CM H.D. Kumaraswamy too wants to engage current chief minister B.S. Yedyurappa in the public fora. Only trouble is, both of them spent time together in the last government. So who is to judge whom? All in the fullness of time...

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Friday, July 24, 2009

For some budget shopping, save a day for Camden Town which is popular for open-air markets and 99p stores where everything,

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Day trippin' in London

enough to click my pictures, which, courtesy the pigeons, are one of the most memorable ones. The Buckingham Palace, the most sought after tourist spots in the world, is just a hop-and-skip away from Trafalgar Square. One has to pay to enter the queen’s abode but I chose to get numerous pictures clicked around the Palace, in its plush gardens that bloomed with different colours of flowers and watch the ‘change of guards’, which is free of cost. There, I discovered that it was actually true that the guards stood starch-stiff and do not even wink for several minutes together!

The London Eye and The Big Ben are within close proximity to Buckingham Palace. Of course, if you wish to drift away from the mainstream, Hyde Park is a nice getaway and so is Regent Park or Convent Garden. For the sportingly inclined a visit to Lord’s is a must (and if you skip on the official tour, it’s free!) or you could make your way to Greenwich and the Prime Meridian – it’s just a bus ride away! After filling up our growling tummies with the delicious hot dogs (hot dog vendors are available at every street), which cost four pounds, and two of them make for a sumptuous meal; we were all set to tread our way to these gigantic structures.

Although the city looks busy throughout the day, with smartly dressed people striding past you at all times, the evenings are even livelier with an atmosphere of celebration! Piccadilly Circus and Covent Garden resonate with music and loud cheers of people tapping their feet to it. Student bands perform live at several corners usually to earn pocket money from people who’re kind enough to reward them for the evening entertainment. Piccadilly Circus is also a great place to shop for electronic items, cosmetics, toiletries, souvenirs and has numerous eating joints where pizzas, burgers, chicken falafels, sandwiches etc that can satiate one’s hunger pangs in just about five to twelve pounds. For some budget shopping, save a day for Camden Town which is popular for open-air markets and 99p stores where everything, from stationery to socks to chocolates to accessories to home décor are available. And if you intend to indulge in some branded products, Oxford Street is the place to be.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Reader : Watch and ponder

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TSI Five-O: An absorbing story, but only if you have the stomach and the patience for it.

For those who ponder on the moral dilemmas of life often, “The Reader” makes for compelling viewing. A sexually charged story that mainly anchors itself around the guilt Hanna Schmitz (a special performance by Kate Winslet), a defendant in a trial of former guards at Auschwitz, the film uses the shadow of the holocaust as the gloomy yet gripping backdrop for the story. Then there is Hanna’s teenaged lover (played superbly as a teenager by David Kross and an adult by Ralph Fiennes), Michael, left out in the cold after a brief fling involving reading and lovemaking, who bumps into her at the trial as a law student eight years later. Stephen Daldry uses a style reminiscent of “The Hours” and like Nicole Kidman there, he squeezes out a terrific and heart wrenching performance from Kate. The slow narrative is an obvious put off but then “The Reader” requires a patient viewing to unravel its depth.

Tareque Laskar

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An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Will they be Left out? the Left Front, which had flexed its muscle in the UPA for four years,

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Corruption and factional feud in kerala, tribal unrest and muslim vote bank erosion in west bengal... With seats fast slipping out of its hands, the Left Front, which had flexed its muscle in the UPA for four years, is struggling to somehow keep its relevance alive, says Sharad Gupta

Can Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik be called a political weathercock? Yes indeed, if one goes by his past record. He was the first constituent of the United Front to part ways and tie up with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in December 1997. Considering that the avid writer and art connoisseur had spent less than six months in politics, it was an audacious decision. But this triggered an exodus from the UF that culminated in the 22-party National Democratic Front (NDA) government at the Centre three months later. Since then, Patnaik has stayed in command, without any hiccups, in the alliance.

That bonhomie broke last week when Patnaik, in all his suave politeness, stunned the BJP interlocutor Chandan Mitra by offering a mere five (out of a total of 21) Lok Sabha and 35 out of a total of 140 Assembly seats. Within the next 24 hours, the Left Front-propelled Third Front was dubbing a “secular” Naveen as a shining star. But would Patnaik’s shocker trigger another exodus? Left Front leaders are more than eager to believe it would.

Patnaik’s decision might have provided some solace to the Left leaders, who have for the past two weeks been worried about prospects of the party in their strongholds Kerala and West Bengal.

Despite a tradition of faction feud within the CPI(M), it scraped through in the Lok Sabha polls in the state in 2004 and came to power in the Assembly polls of 2006 due to Kerala’s other tradition: alternating parties in power. But with factional squabbling at its peak now, with Chief Minister VS Achuthanandan and state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan at each other’s jugulars, the CPI(M) politburo had to suspend both from the party’s highest policy making body for making public statements against each other.

The Marxists’ problems got compounded in January, when Vijayan was charge sheeted by the Central Bureau of Investigation in a Rs 375 crore scam. Achuthanandan wants his prosecution, while party general secretary Prakash Karat defends him, dubbing the graft case as “politically motivated”.

A section of frustrated party cadre has rebelled against Karat’s defence of Vijayan, and the impact on a fractious party is all too visible. Rebels launched a party called Marxist Party in Onchiyam. In Ambalapuzzha’s panchayat by-poll, rebel CPI(M) candidate V Dhyansuthan defeated the official nominee Anirudhan, a Vijayan acolyte. Interestingly, Dhyansuthan had lost to the PDP candidate when he had contested as official nominee of the party in 2007. The CPI(M) also lost Shornur municipal seat in Palakkad district, home to Karat, to rebels led by MR Murali, former municipal vice chairman who, along with eight other councillors had been expelled from the party. The rebels fought under the banner of Janakeeya Vikasana Samiti and trounced CPI(M)’s official nominees. And a furious high command expelled its MP Abdullakutty for praising Narendra Modi’s style of governance (see box).

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Superseding God

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The common belief that God writes a man’s future is being trashed, as more and more educated, well-to-do families consult astrologers to decide birth timing, says TSI’s Rajan Prakash

Is there… can there be... a precise time for making love, just so that nine months later the baby is born at the precise time that the astrologer says is propitious for its landing on earth? Filial affection seems to have reached such heights, accentuated by the uncertainties of global recession, that more and more parents are wanting to see the child delivered according to astrological predictions, so that its future is secure. And this superstition is not raging through just uneducated masses of Dharavi or some Delhi slum.

When doctors were cutting up the tummy of Ajay Sharma’s wife, he was pacing up and down outside the operation theatre. The timing must be right, he kept mumbling… between 12 and 12.23, not later than that…. The astrologer had said that after 12.23, the time was not right. Astrologer Pravdesh Mishra (all names changed on request) had consulted both, his and his wife’s horoscopes in minute detail. And they had paid him a hefty fee. Ajay’s other relatives too were tense, some sitting in the hospital corridor, some waiting with the thumb on the green button of the mobile phone.

Ajay and wife Sumita already had a daughter, and it was not as if the couple were desperate for a male child. Whichever gender, they had decided, the child must have a smooth life, which is why when some advised that they should consult an astrologer to get the precise opportune hour for the baby to arrive.

Presently, the door of the OT opened and the doctor congratulated Ajay. The couple was blessed with another baby girl. “Your wife is in a serious condition, due to excessive bleeding from the caesarean, but she will survive, don’t worry.” Ajay did worry about his bleeding wife, but at least, as he was assured, the child had been born at the nick of time.

It is difficult to believe that this could be a phenomenon in educated urban middle class India, but it is. This trend is sweeping across north India, and thousands of astrologers and private ‘mother&child’ nursing homes are the beneficiaries. Couples are consulting astrologers for the timing, and requesting doctors to ensure that the child arrives at the right time. There is only one way that the doctors can do that: caesarean section. But that is not always safe, nor secure for the mothers or the children.

Take the case of Bal Kameshwar from Darbhanga, Bihar. The superstition proved costly for him and his family. Kameshwar himself is a professional astrologer. He practically does not eat or sleep but at the appointed hour prescribed by horology. It is natural that he would use the Ephemeris to calculate when his offspring should see the light of day for the first time. He too was extremely worried, waiting outside the OT.

His calculation showed that the child should be born at least an hour after three that afternoon. Yet, the doctor had taken his wife to the labour room early, and the delivery was due any time, and it was not even 2.30 pm.

They had pleaded with the doctor to try to delay the delivery. They had asked if there was any concoction or potion that could keep the birth held up for at least a few hours. The stunned doctor had said “No, are you crazy?”

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

India's first elections was immensely complex, and the coming one is no less, says TSI’s Sharad Gupta

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Maturing democracy

At least four crore people would be voting for the first time while almost half of the electorate is below 40 years of age. Literacy level of the 71.4 crore electorate is now at 58 per cent and now they are unlikely to elect a lamppost merely on the basis of his caste or region of political party. Recent state elections have amply demonstrated that most prominent criterion for voters now is performance of his representative and the government.

This is the reason why most political parties announced their candidates much before the formal announcement of election dates by the Election Commission. Earlier, parties used to initiate candidate selection process only after the notification and candidates’ list used to be declared after nominations used to start. Prospective candidates used to file nominations in anticipation of getting party leadership’s nod, which in some cases, used to announce candidate’s name after the last date of filing nomination, asking all unauthorised party leaders to withdraw their candidature.

The BJP has already announced almost two-third of its candidates, Congress almost half, Samajwadi Party 62 out of 67 seats it intends to contest in UP, with BSP making public its candidate for almost every constituency in Uttar Pradesh. “It is a sign of maturing democracy. No party wants to leave anything to chance and hence, is working to the very minute detail in every aspect – right from election of candidates to campaign strategy and mode of campaign”, says SK Varma, director of Organisation for Research, Survey and Analysis (ORSA), hoping that by next elections the parties would also stitch their alliances much before the elections.

Early announcement of candidates and alliances provides enough time to voters to examine a candidate’s integrity and sincerity besides allowing the candidate ample opportunity to strike a rapport with his constituents, feels former Uttar Pradesh state BJP president Kalraj Mishra. He also claims that such political discipline is expected to reflect in enhanced performance of the elected representatives. The BJP started candidates’ selection process early last year and was supposed to finalise it by August 2008, but couldn’t due to sear negotiations with the alliance partners.

There is one difference though – between 1952 and 2009 – lack of a clear agenda among all parties and an emotive issue. There is neither Ram Temple nor Ram Setu, neither terror nor inflation. This election would be unique as it would be fought on state-level issues and evaluation of state governments’ performances. This is where the role of regional satraps and chief ministers – right from Narendra Modi, Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Raman Singh for the BJP and Ashok Gehlot, Sheila Dixit and YS Rajasekhara Reddy for the Congress – will become important. In fact, non-performance is the reason cited for a tribal chief minister Shibu Soren to lose badly in Assembly by-election from Tamar in Jharkhand last month. This is decentralisation of power and authority.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Friday, July 10, 2009

'Pissed' off with fakes…

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Urinals have become an issue; government questioned

Among the many dubious claims made by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati in the run-up to the Lok Sabha polls, one is announcing that the state’s sanitation cover has reached 729 gram panchayats, which have been awarded the Nirmal Gram Puraskar 2008 for eradicating open defecation. It now appears that many of these awardees were undeserving. After a letter to this effect was issued by the Secretary, Department of Drinking Water Supply, Ministry of Rural Development in December 2008, an alarmed state government dispatched teams of senior officers to verify the claims. A joint secretary from the Centre also ran a random check to discover that barely 15 kilometres from the heart of Lucknow, in Uttardhaura village, toilets constructed years ago were put on last year’s list; many existed without doors; some had no pots, while those built years ago had never been cleaned.

Field reports received in February indicate that at least 17-gram panchayats in seven districts faked their status.

The award applications made by the village heads are verified at numerous stages and travels through at least 12 levels before selection. Thus, an elaborate web of deceit was spun at various stages to ensure that non-deserving panchayats walked off with award money ranging between Rs five to Rs five lakh. More alarmingly, it means that the Rs 381.39 crore, received from the Centre for the total sanitation campaign (TSC) for construction of toilets (for households, communities, schools and balwadis) and related activities in the past year, were obviously embezzled.

Anis Ansari, UP’s Agricultural Production Commissioner who is overseeing the inquiry says, “We have launched an inquiry and will take appropriate action.” Communication dated February 2, from the office of the state’s principal secretary, Panchayati Raj, recommending action against the district project coordinators, assistant block development officers, gram panchayat secretary, village development officers and district Panchayati Raj officers indicates the level of rot. Remarkably, no official or functionary from the

Panchayati Raj department has been involved in the subsequent inquiry.

The state government’s publicity machinery has since then withdrawn the claim from posters that sing of Behenji’s achievement. That an issue close to the CM's heart has raised temperatures within the system is significant.

Though UP’s share of gram panchayats awarded for achieving total sanitation has vastly improved, it now appears that the stink raised over undeserving awardees will take a long time to dissipate.

Puja Awasthi

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Brad Pitt’s mom, Jane, was never very convinced about her son’s relationship with Angelina,

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Is Brangelina breaking up…?

Brad Pitt’s mom, Jane, was never very convinced about her son’s relationship with Angelina, and is now vociferously saying that he is meant to be with Jennifer Aniston! Jane, apparently, is very fond of Jen and finds her to be a homely and family-oriented person, and Angelina’s completely opposite nature has begun to annoy Jane and has lead her to try brainwashing Brad. Well, with rumours of trouble brewing in the couple’s life, one never knows, Jen might just get back her lost love!

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

“We couldn’t even cast our votes. The comrades did that on our behalf. And as a reward we got food packets.”

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So which party or group mounted those raids? Says Swapan, the younger brother of Khejuri-based CPI (M) leader Makhan Panda: “Those who came to demolish our houses are CPI (M) workers and supporters. The TMC men did their best to save us and our property. CPI (M) leaders Kamalesh Maal and Lalu Maal were supervising the ghastly operation; and others like Himangshu, Prashanta and Nirapada, who killed and beat up innocent people, now have to pay the price”.

An elderly woman near the demolished Kamardah party office says she had seen the goons frequenting this party office before the Lok Sabha polls. She wasn’t sure whether they were party members. All she could say was that now, finally, she and others like her felt free to express their views before strangers, without any fear of being penalised. Some CPI (M) dissidents said the party’s armed network was controlled by Himangshu Das, who is currently a district committee member. His comrades-in-arms were said to be Prashanta Maiti, Bijan Roy (both ZC secretaries), Rabiul Islam and Makhan Panda.

Says local resident Tapan Maiti: “The hoodlums stole our land holdings decades back.They would threaten us saying the plots would be given away to share-croppers (bargadars) and that we would get these back only if we gave a written undertaking that we would support the CPI (M)”. The party’s Purbachara branch committee secretary Bimal Kumar Maity admitted that the party forcibly occupied a 10 bigha plot of the Maitis at Tentulbari with a fake barga claim, and that it was restored only after they made a down payment of Rs 20,000.

But that nightmare is going away. Recently 9 of 11 panchayat members (elected unopposed) quit the party. They handed over their two offices, both forcibly taken from two shop owners, to the TMC. Says a Khejuri stall owner referring to the unopposed elections: “We couldn’t even cast our votes. The comrades did that on our behalf. And as a reward we got food packets.”

This anti-CPI (M) movement has caught on in a big way. Now people in Vajachauli and Dharampur under the Lalgarh block have also begun speaking the same language. Vajachauli was tense on June 15 and 16 after police broke open the CPI (M) office and raided its leader Anil Giri’s residence. They seized two revolvers, two pistols, a few muskets and gun powder. So the writing on the wall is clear. And the rally taken out by 15,000 of Dharampur’s tribals on June 16 was proof, were proof needed, of what a thorough beating the CPI (M) goons have taken. Red never looked so faded as it does today.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

From zero to hero

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History is replete with examples of super achievers who failed to sparkle in school

Many great people who changed the world were academically average.

Thomas Alva Edison, who transformed the world with his inventions, was regarded as a dull student by his teacher. His teacher had described Edison as “a student who cannot learn.”

Isaac Newton, who altered the course of physics and mathematics with his brilliant formulations such as law of gravitation and Calculus, was regarded as an ordinary student.

Similarly, the great scientist Albert Einstein was never considered a good student in his school days. Celebrated writer author HG Wells and successful businessman Richard Branson were school dropouts.

AR Rahman, Oscar-winning music composer, has not received any formal education. But due to his sheer musical genius, he is today in a league of his own.

The late Dhirubhai Ambani, entrepreneur par excellence and founder of Reliance Industries, had no formal education. But that didn't prevent the industrialist from achieving his goals. The Wright brothers, inventors of the aeroplane, could hardly be called educated by any scholastic standard. But their powers of observation and intelligence were so sharp that they were the first to see that man could fly.

This list will be incomplete without the mention of Sachin Tendulkar, who had failed in his 10+2 examination. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s wealthiest men, was a college dropout. The legendary Indian mathematician Ramanujan was a brilliant mind, but he was weak in all other subjects.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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