Sunday, April 26, 2009

And much more! Despite Obama’s call, lobbyists will thrive in the US


Dinner with Hillary?

Traditionally, a lobbyist is defined as a person who tries to influence legislation in favour of a group interest. In spite of criticism, the American democracy has given a special focus on lobbying by passing resolutions to protect the interests of specific moneyed individuals [eg. Saudi King Abdullah], groups [eg. tobacco companies] and communities [eg. Jews] in mind since 1995. Since then, lobbying has also joined the club of a profitable industry. According to Center for Congressional and Presidential studies, America spent around $2.13 billion on lobbying in 2004 alone and there currently are as many as 1,50,000 people involved in the industry. And the malaise, if you can call it that, is not limited to corporations. The Center for Public Integrity reveals that over 300 universities have spent over $132 million in the last six years while 1,400 local governments have spent $357 million to seek favours from the government. Europe witnessed the emergence of lobbying as early as 1979 during the first European parliamentary election. In Brussels alone, there are 1,400 lobbyists and over 2,600 ‘special interest groups’. The legal lobbying industry in UK is estimated to be worth $1.9 billion, employing over 14,000 people – in fact, a few MPs are often approached [read ‘physically spammed’] more than a hundred times per week by lobbyists. With time, lobbying has expanded its roots across borders.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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