Sunday, November 9, 2008

The CERN experiment completely deciphered; and the top reasons why the pluses outweigh the, er, pluses

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A Large over-Hyped Cauldron

But some US analysts have tastefully commented that providing energy to the world is too pedestrian a reason for spending $8-9 billion – the estimated cost of building the LHC. We wish to sweetly remind them that three years back, a superb cover story by TIME magazine showed how the ridiculous cost of a more ridiculous Ronald Reagan endeavour called Star Wars crossed an unbelievable $120 billion. Be that as it may, one can already witness a certain amount of disinterest that is emanating from the West, read the US, when it comes to many of the global issues that are plaguing the poorer nations of the world. Destitution in Africa, for example, no more elicits as much sympathy from US as it did before. Not that the aid has stopped, but it seems that the US has reached a conclusion that nothing perhaps can be changed with a continent that is already doomed. Already, the oil price rise has been creating a mass hysteria for sometime now. Thanks to global warming, even Antarctica would ideally be named the New Antarctic Ocean in a decade’s time. And as if the problems of Middle East and those related to China were not enough, unnecessary Georgian chauvinism has woken up Russia once again, increasing the resurgence of the Cold War era. In-between all these, is the smashed up group called the third and fourth-world, which is certainly least concerned with what all the LHC could possibly churn up.

Well, what would one do if, as Bill Gates writes in B&E’s next issue on CSR, more than a billion people on an average go to bed hungry and live thoroughly disadvantaged lives? The LHC possibly cannot churn out millions of tonnes of food, can it? Or even tens of thousands of homes for the millions homeless? What to talk about employment and health! Before you answer even one of the above, keep in mind that the first factor that the Chinese secured before their epic journey in the last century – where they brought above the poverty line the maximum number of humans ever uplifted in the history of mankind – was unlimited energy. The US and even the UK perhaps wouldn’t care less. Just for example, on the day the LHC started operations, the top viewed articles on The Independent’s website did not even vaguely relate to CERN [The most viewed article was ‘50 Best Cookbooks’; second-most was ‘Ten Best Seduction Techniques’].

Clearly, the LHC experiment has been supremely over-hyped, but for all the wrong purposes. It is one golden opportunity for mankind to re-engineer global development in a way never seen before. Let us not say nay even before the arguments have begun. Let us give science a chance, and hope a belief. And let us give a destitute child the right to know how a human life exists normally... energetically!

Pathikrit Payne

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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