Friday, November 21, 2008

The Body Sculptor

IIPM Ranked No. 1 B-School In Global Exposre - Zee...

He's the lucky one who gets to lay his hands on the likes of Brad Pitt, Mark Wahlberg, and closer home, John Abraham, and he makes them sweat while at it! Lately credited with fashioning the sizzling hot bods in the upcoming flick 'Dostana', celebrity trainer Mike Ryan bares a fair bit to Neha Sarin in an exclusive conversation…

You have worked with both sports stars and film stars. How different is it dealing with the two?

Not much. When working with athletes and celebrities, it is all about the time frame available to achieve your goal i.e. a desired look for the upcoming role. With athletes, it's the ability to get them bigger, faster and stronger in preparation for the season. Both require very intense training and cardio vascular training with a major focus on nutrition and supplementation. The end result is to have the athletes and the celebrities peaking at the appropriate time for them.

Do you think people want a better looking physique today than they did, say a generation back?

Well, I believe everyone (celebrities, athletes and everyone in between) is always looking to achieve physique perfection. Has the "look" changed from a generation ago, I'd say yes. Back in the 80's – 90's the action movies were dominated by Arnold, Stallone, Van Damme, actors who were larger than life. Muscles were bulging in every direction and the American population loved and was inspired to be like them. In the late 90's and 2000's, actors went for that lean, striated look. It seemed less was more and Brad Pitt's Troy look was the new adoration of fans everywhere. So whether today's physique is better looking now than it was 10 years ago depends entirely on the individual and I'm sure like all things, it will change. Who knows maybe the "twiggy" look of the 60's will reappear, but personally I hope not!

Can training and exercise work for every 'body'? What are the key elements required to make it work?

Yes it can! We all have different goals we want to achieve but the bottom line is exercise will make you healthier, happier and more confident. The key elements required in exercise are resistance training. This is actually weight training with weights, machines, rubber bands, medicine balls etc in which you lift weights to make yourself stronger and more responsive. The second component or key element is cardio-vascular training. This is the act of running, jogging and hiking, in which your heart is working efficiently to help reduce body fat. The third key element is your meals. Weight training and cardio vascular training is almost a waste of time if you’re not going to fuel body with proper nutrition. Meals rich in proteins, carbohydrates and essential fats are excellent. High sugar, high trans fats and as well as greasy and fried foods should be monitored or avoided. Lastly, I firmly believe in supplementation. Everything from a multivitamin to muscle building supplements should be considered when starting an exercise program. Of course only take what will help you in your quest (an avid hiker wouldn't need creatine but a body builder would).

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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