Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Stock footage

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Shona Urvashi’s Saas Bahu Aur Sensex is an unbearable two hours and twenty minutes of stock market and relationship madness. And the outcome, like the movie’s posters suggest, is unpredictable. Binta Sen (Kirron Kher), a divorcee from Kolkata shifts to a society in Mumbai with her daughter Nitya (Tanushree Dutta). While Binita is befriended by other women in the society, Nitya finds a job in a call centre with help of neighbour Ritesh (Ankur Khanna) and soon falls in love with him. Meanwhile, Ms Sen encourages her kitty friends to invest in the stock market as the Sensex embarks on an unreal journey from 7,000 to almost 20,000 points. Refreshingly, a gang of women are seen indulging in serious share trading apart from saas-bahu soaps and gossip with help of stock broker Firoze Sethna (Farooq Sheikh). But, like the stock market, the graph of the movie moves up and down and the characters, short of depth and intensity, add little equity to it. The upshot? Barring a few entertaining moments, and some neat stock talk from Udayan Mukherjee of CNBC (mostly stock footage from the network archives), Saas Bahu... doesn’t make much sense.

Kanika Dhupar

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

True spirit

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Like all other fields, competition and race to the top is fierce in booming media sector also. Hardly we have seen one media house coming out formally or rather openly to praise the rivals. It was indeed a pleasing experience reading the Editorial in which Arindham is mentioning in all honesty, the laudable aspects of Times Group. You have to have that honesty and self belief inside to praise your competitor. It comes automatically when you have a clear picture of what you know and where you stand. TSI no doubt has set an example by coming out with a write up, devoted to bringing in notice to people in general the kind of effort one organisation is putting up to stand apart from the rest.

Amanpreet Singh


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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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IIPM awards four Bengali novelists

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Storm over Jallianwala Bagh

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The renovation of the Jallianwala Bagh is drawing a lot of flak from veteran patriots, but the old order is yielding place to the new, reports Nirupama Dutt

Just Imagine the grandson of a Jallianwala Bagh veteran visiting the site where hundreds of Indian patriots had lost their lives to British brutality at Amritsar, Punjab, during the freedom struggle. Imagine the plight of a grandson who has heard from his grandfather what was there in the monument to the historic event, that turned the tide of the Indian freedom struggle. Imagine yourself, as one such grandson, almost hearing the fading, aged voice of your grandfather, and then keen to come and see if what he had said was there, but you could not find it: Reason? Government renovation of those of others like him. Damned, the beloved country’s governance!

Jallianwala Bagh is not just another recreational spot for tourists, but a ‘sacred’ place today. This public park, close to the Golden Temple of Amritsar, witnessed a massacre on April 13, 1919. It was meant to be a peaceful public meeting for the Baisakhi festival, to assert the right of people to assemble and protest, which was curbed by the martial law imposed by the then Lieutenant Governor of Punjab, Michael O’ Dwyer. Many in the assembly were just people who had come to say morning prayers at the Golden Temple. Soon after the meeting started, Brigadier-General Dyer opened fire on an unarmed gathering of 25,000 men, women and children. The firing lasted about 10 minutes and 1650 rounds were fired, or 33 rounds per soldier and hundreds were killed by the bullets while others fell into the well trying to escape and many were hurt in the stampede.

The renovations are fraught with problems, even as the work is in full progress. The reason for protests by historians and freedom fighters is that some of the important historical relics are being lost in the process. Terming the renovation of historical lanes of Jallianwala Bagh as defacement and destruction of the historical monument, president of Desh Bhagat Yadgar Hall Committee 101-year-old Ghadri Baba Bhagat Singh Bilga has sought the intervention of the Prime Minister in the case. “The two already demolished historical lanes of Jallianwala Bagh should be reconstructed, and the third one should not be razed in the name of widening the entry point for VVIPs’ vehicles,” says a vocal critic.

However, most of these protests have fallen on deaf ears. A public interest litigation filed in the Punjab and Haryana High Court in September 2008 was dismissed, and the initial stay given on the petition was vacated. The order of dismissal signed by Chief Justice TS Thakur and judge Surya Kant says: “If the Government, the Trust and the Managing Committee have put their heads together and conceived a plan intended to revitalise and preserve the Memorial (sic)for the future generations, we see no reason why the petitioner should find fault with the same, particularly in exercise of the extraordinary public interest writ jurisdiction of the court.”

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IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

, in most of the government tenders nowadays, good blood has been replaced by bad blood.

Prasoon S. Majumdar Editor, Economic Affairs  The Sunday Indian
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Not so Tender in its present state!!

With the US economy increasingly falling over the Keynesian economic theories to tide over the apocalyptic financial crisis that it has created for itself and the world, many are now propagating that capitalism has finally being forced to bend its knees in front of socialistic ideas, as the concept of more of government spending and intervention to rescue an economy are generally practiced in socialistic states. True, today laissez faire capitalism is on a backfoot and has been forced to anchor in the solace of socialistic practices, but does that mean that socialism as a concept is absolutely foolproof without any flaw that should have been done away with long time back? Well, certainly not.

Take the case of inviting tenders for awarding contracts. One doesn’t need to go too far to find the fallacy and ineffectiveness of this concept. Every year, tenders are invited for refurbishing the city roads. Invariably, the lowest bidder is awarded the majority of the contract. For the sake of getting contracts, most of the time bidders quote abnormally low rates. So much so that the only option that is left for them is to compromise on the quality of work in order to make profit. No wonder, then, that even when crores are spent on roads every year, the condition remains deplorable. And the farther one goes from the metros, the worse it is. Tenders for Indian Railways and Department of Telecom have created a full fledged network mafia. Organised crime found a nice way to earn easy money by involving itself into it. Thus, in most of the government tenders nowadays, good blood has been replaced by bad blood. The results are visible. Even when lakhs of crores are spent on rural development every year, the rural-urban divide continues to increase. The World Bank Health Scam in 2008 literally opened a pandora’s box. Almost 15,000 tenders were allotted to fraudulent and blacklisted companies (even to bogus companies). The bids never materialised and most of the money, a staggering US $565 million, was swindled by intermediaries which never reached the final destination.

If corruption is a worrisome factor, then more worrisome is the sheer amount of time the government takes to award a contract. So much so, that by the time the whole process of tendering has been expedited – albeit at snail’s pace – much of the efficacy of the project gets vapourised. Consider Air India and Indian Airlines. Before the merger, they took nearly 20 years each to decide as to whether they should opt for Boeing-made aircrafts or of Airbus. Contrast this with Kingfisher Airlines, which is just three-years-old and already have more and far better planes than what Air India and Indian Airlines had individually before their merger. And who can ignore the fact that Indian Government took 20 good years to buy Advanced Jet Trainers? Had they been bought earlier, it could have saved the lives of hundreds of rookie pilots who died in air crashes. It is important to learn from the private sector (read capitalism) as to how they negotiate purchase of products from vendors and get the best rates without compromising on quality. Yet, if socialism still insists to carry on the with the concept of inviting tenders, what’s the harm in depending a little more on technology that capitalistic world has to offer? A case in point is Andhra Pradesh Public Health Engineering Department, which has passed 30 contracts worth Rs 900 crores of the JNURM through e-tender system and till date has not reported any case of corruption. Certainly it pays to have a perfect marriage between capitalism and socialism!!

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IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cornwallis to Henry Clinton

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Lord Cornwallis is commonly remembered in American history for his failure at Yorktown, but that single event shortchanges the contributions made by what many authorities regard as the most capable British commander in the war. Following letter was written to Sir Henry Clinton, commander-in-chief of British Army in US, during the American Revolution. It was written following the capitulation at Yorktown and the peace treaty recognising American independence. In the letter, Cornwallis sites the strategy of taking up more decisive operations with the limited forces available, as the reason of British humiliation.

Yorktown, October 20, 178


I have the mortification to inform your Excellency that I have been forced to give up the posts of York and Gloucester, and to surrender the troops under my command, by capitulation on the 19th inst. as prisoners of war to the forces of America and France.

I never saw this post in a very favourable light, but when I found I was to be attacked in it in so unprepared a state, by so powerful an army and artillery, nothing but the hopes of relief would have induced me to attempt its defence; for I would either have endeavoured to escape to New-York, by rapid marches from the Gloucester side, immediately on the arrival of General Washington's troops at Williamsburgh, or I would notwithstanding the disparity of numbers have attacked them in the open field, where it might have been just possible that fortune would have favoured the gallantry of the handful of troops under my command. But being assured by your Excellency's letters that every possible means would be tried by the navy and army to relieve us, I could not think myself at liberty to venture upon either of those desperate attempts; therefore, after remaining for two days in a strong position in front of this place, in hopes of being attacked, upon observing that the enemy were taking measures which could not fail of turning my left flank in a short time. I withdrew within the works on the night of the 29th of September, hoping by the labour and firmness of the soldiers to protract the defence until you could arrive.

The enemy broke ground on the night of the 30th and constructed on that night, and the two following days and nights, two redoubts, which, with some works that had belonged to our outward position, occupied a gorge between two creeks or ravines, which come from the river on each side of the town. At this time we knew that there was no part of the whole front attacked on which we could show a single gun, and our shells were nearly expended; I therefore had only to choose between preparing to surrender next day or endeavouring to get off with the greatest part of the troops, and I determined to attempt the latter, reflecting that though it should prove unsuccessful in its immediate object, it might at least delay the enemy in the prosecution of further enterprises. Sixteen large boats were prepared, and upon other pretexts were ordered to be in readiness to receive troops precisely at ten o'clock. With these I hoped to pass the infantry during the night, abandoning our baggage, and leaving a detachment to capitulate for the town's people and the sick and wounded; on which subject a letter was ready to be delivered to General Washington.

Under all these circumstances, I thought it would have been wanton to sacrifice the lives of this small body of gallant soldiers, who had ever behaved with so much fidelity and courage, by exposing them to an assault, which from the numbers and precautions of the enemy could not fail to succeed. I therefore proposed to capitulate.

Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis

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IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
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Friday, December 5, 2008

Encounters in the Wild

Bittu Sahgal recounts some of his most memorable moments in the Indian wilderness.

I was woken just before dawn by the persistent calls of warblers and sunbirds. Emerging sleepily from the confines of the ancient forest bungalow, built during the British Raj at Dimbhum in Kerala's Satyamangalam forest block, the first sight to greet me through the light mist was a bevy of small minivets adorning the compound trees like so many scarlet and yellow Christmas decorations. The freshness in the air, the sounds and the ethereal ambience created by the mist enveloped me and transported me to days when all of India must have been as verdant, as invigorating.

Lost in thought, I was shaken from my reverie by a bird which flew low over my head from behind me to settle on a nearby banyan tree. Through my binoculars I saw its flaming-orange and black coloration and leafed through the Salim Ali's Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent to discover its flycatcher identity. I quickly added another `tick' to my lifetime tally of 210 species of birds and settled down in the short grass, a steaming flask of tea for company, to observe the bird from a distance of less than 20 metres. The flycatcher had a large praying mantis in its beak and was in the process of swallowing it. This done, it preened its feathers, cleaned its beak by wiping it rapidly on its perch and sallied forth in search of other titbits. I marvelled at the method in nature's apparent madness where predator ate predator in the process of playing out a deadly game of hide and seek. Dimbhum is not a sanctuary or national park, yet it throbbed with life. At night, the watchman confirmed, a sloth bear had visited the forest department campus. And sambar deer tracks confirmed they had walked through the flower beds. I saw no elephants, but knew they were around from their droppings in the nearby bamboo forest. There is more wildlife and more nature to be experienced in the raw in India than almost any other country in the world.

I have been lucky to see the tiger in many parts of India but one of my most memorable sightings have been in Tadoba and the Sundarbans. It was night time in Tadoba. I love Tadoba. It has a raw beauty all its own and there is something electric about a dark forest. It’s not just the sounds or the smells that seem purer somehow, but rather the anticipation. “What lurks beyond? Which incredible animals have come out to do the night shift?

That guttural sound, could it be a leopard? That distant yipping… did the wild dogs make a kill?”

We sat silently in the vehicle for almost 10 minutes. In the near distance we could hear a rustling as a soft, yet biting wind fanned our faces. It was cold. Above us a full moon lit the night sky and ahead of us I imagined I saw something move. Someone shifted and it seemed the creaking of metal plates would be heard in distant Nagpur. That was when I saw them in the frame of my night vision binoculars. There were four tigers walking towards us in single file. Cats see well in the dark and they must have heard us ages ago, but they were unafraid. They seemed as curious about us as we were about them! Within seconds they settled all around us like so many household cats, safe in the knowledge that we meant them no harm.

There can be no better place to escape to than the exquisite Himalayan havens to be found in Kashmir, Ladakh, Garhwal, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh. One of my abiding sorrows is the fact that for long years it was not safe to trek through Kashmir. I have often walked up 2,000 metres through the famous oak forests of the Dachigam Sanctuary near Srinagar. Home of the last surviving herds of hangul deer, it seems difficult to imagine that so much blood has been shed in the beautiful Kashmir valley. I remember my trip to the Great Himalayan National Park in Himachal Pradesh. A bird had made several sorties from its fragile perch on the thin creeper to the trickle of water oozing from a green grotto that had been carved by nature out of hard rock. If someone had taken the bird and dipped it into different colour ink pots, it could not have come out looking more colourful than it already was! I had to pinch myself to confirm that I was not dreaming for before me was one of nature’s tiny avian miracles... Mrs Gould’s Sunbird.

And how should I describe the magic of diving off a boat and swimming into a rock cave in the Andaman Sea? The waters between Chiriyatapu and Rutland Island are glass clear, even in the monsoon. After navigating the powerful surges that swoosh through the narrow cave entrance, you find yourself in a dark, womb-like grotto, perhaps 30 metres wide, 15 metres deep and 20 metres high. Swiftlets fly in and out of the cave, timing their flight, much as we did our swim, to avoid the high waves that totally inundate the two-metre-wide entrance every few moments. Once inside, away from the narrow opening, a shingle and pebble beach is dimly visible. And when you step on it and look back out from whence you came, you see a white light, obliterated every few waves by aquamarine water of the purest hue.

Forget the mundane. Ignore the ordinary. India can offer you heart-thumping, adrenalin-pumping excitement… if only you care to look and dare to experience.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

The breeding ground of whale sharks is still a mystery.

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How the f ilm was instrumental in conservation of whale sharks

Whale shark film was targeted towards conservation. The whale sharks are an important part of the carbon cycle and help maintain the oxygen level in the environment. But they are endangered. The countries which have whale sharks have protected them. But sadly, they are being killed in countries like China and others. They are protected in India now, post my film. A religious leader, Morari Bapu, was also involved in this. The film was shown to him and he too helped in propagating this idea of protection. The breeding ground of whale sharks is still a mystery. So we sold the idea that the whale sharks are like daughters coming home to give birth to their babies because they feel secure here. We told the Gujaratis that we should care for these daughters who come to them and look for safety. This idea worked in the fishing communities. We went across every village sensitising them and educating them about this. The lives of many fishermen had been lost in killing this 30-40 ton specie. And the fishermen did not know that they are endangered. But on explaining and educating them, they understood. In one port I had seen 60-70 whale sharks being pulled in and there are 12-13 such ports! I’m glad that it was due to my film that this exotic creature got protection under Wildlife Protection Act.

can captive breeding maintain the count of whale sharks?

There is always an aberration in captive breeding. You know, there are various problems, like, the size decreases, problems in reproduction etc. It‘s not really fruitful, be it for tigers, lions or whale sharks. The question is that why do we have to interfere with nature, why clone? When nature has its own ways then why do we need artificial means and methods? In captive breeding you also interfere with the genetic specifications. So here, evolution of that creature is being brought to an end. What we should learn and do is things that do not bring the wildlife to a stage where captive breeding becomes the only solution.

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Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

An encounter with truth?

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The encounter at Batla House was hailed as a ‘big break’ in the case against Indian Mujahideen. But lately, questions are being raised on the veracity of the claims made by the police. Asif Khan, an ex-councillor from the Jamia Nagar locality, raises some persistent questions...

We have eye-witnessed testimonies of the people who live nearby to the site of the encounter. We have police photographs of the shooting and also the police verifications that the so-called accused had submitted to the Jamia Nagar police station. And based on the evidence from all these sources, we’re saying that this encounter is fake.

Firstly, we have a photograph which shows that MC Sharma was shot in the back, on the shoulder. Tell me, how is it possible to get shot in the back when he was supposed to be facing the alleged terrorists and firing away? We have another photograph, taken moments after this one, which shows Crime Cell’s DCP Alok Kumar taking aim and about to fire his gun. Now, the Commissioner Delhi Police, Mr. Dadwal, has said that MC Sharma was leading the operation and according to him the police party went to the house for address verification, and then this encounter took place. But the question arises, as to why did he not disclose the role of Alok Kumar, as he was present in the area, and apparently leading the attack? Meanwhile, we also have photographs of Sajid showing no less than eight bullet wounds, just on his head! Does this appear like the outcome of a random encounter? It has also been alleged that Atif and Sajid are the mastermind behind Ahmedabad bomb blasts. Now 20 days after the blasts these kids go to Jamia Nagar police station and get their address verified. But the police claim that the stamp on the police verification is fake! However, compare that stamp with any other, supposedly, real one and one will find no difference! Moreover, the previous residential address given by Atif is absolutely real. Would a hardened terrorist ever do this? All the others, Zia ur Rehman, Saquib Nisar, Zeeshan el al knew that the encounter had taken place, but all of them were arrested at their homes or surrendered themselves. But, normally, a terrorist would have run away. So this just does not make sense.

All we want is a judicial enquiry by a committee comprising of a sitting judge from High Court or Supreme Court involving the NHRC chairman and also the Chairman of the National Commission of Minorities. Some people claim that the morale of the police will go down if such an enquiry commission is constituted. But spilling the blood of innocents to boost Delhi Police’s morale is no solution. If 200 million Muslims of India are demanding for a judicial enquiry to clear the air, then is it too much to ask for? When enquiries can be set up in Aarushi murder case, then why not in this case where Muslims are being maligned without any valid basis? If we’re right, the truth will come out and if the police is right, then its morale and reputation will definitely go up.

Amarpal Singh Malhi

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Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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The Hindu Business Line : IIPM placements hit a high of over 2000 jobs
Deccan Herald - IIPM ranked as top B-School in India
India eNews - IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India
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domain-b.com : IIPM ranked ahead of IIMs
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Preity's heroics pay off!

IIPM ranked ahead of IIMs

When Heroes was offered to her, many people discouraged her to take up the role of a mother of a young boy, as she'd be labelled a buddhi! But Preity Zinta, whose father was also in the Indian army and had expired when she was just 13, was adamant to do the role as the character reminded her of her mother. Preity easily identified with the part of a Punjabi woman in crisis after her husband has died in war. Subsequently, Ms Zinta has garnered much appreciation for her performance, and those who had felt that she was too young to play the role have had to eat crow!

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source :
IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and
Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

Read these article :-
B-schooled in India, Placed Abroad (Print Version)
IIPM in Financial times (Print Version)
IIPM makes business education truly global (Print Version)
The Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM)
IIPM Campus


For More IIPM Info, Visit below mentioned IIPM articles.
1500-plus IIPM students placed across the country with 44 bagging international offers
IIPM set to beat economic slowdown
IIPM - Admission Procedure
IIPM awards four Bengali novelists
The Hindu : Education Plus : Honour for IIPM
IIPM ranked No.1 B-School in India, Management News - By ...
IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India
Moneycontrol >> News >> Press- News >> IIPM ranked No1 B-School in ...
» IIPM ranked No1 B-School in India :: Education, Careers ...
The Hindu Business Line : IIPM placements hit a high of over 2000 jobs
Deccan Herald - IIPM ranked as top B-School in India
India eNews - IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India
IIPM Delhi - Indian Institute of Planning and Management New Delhi ...
domain-b.com : IIPM ranked ahead of IIMs
IIPM makes business education truly global-Education-The Times of ...