Thursday, September 18, 2008

We will be launching more products under Dettol as the personal care market in India has the fastest growth rate among all other segments of FMCG.”

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Going further, Reckitt Benckiser has bet its future, on another high potential category of health care, which got a fillip in 2005 with the £1.93 billion acquisition of Boots International, which has brought brands like Strepsils, Clearsil & Sweetex into the company’s portfolio. the past two years, the company has been on an expansion mode. It has launched brands like Veet, Vanish, Finish and Easy-Off Bang in the Indian market. Going further, Reckitt Benckiser has bet its future, on another high potential category of health care, which got a fillip in 2005 with the £1.93 billion acquisition of Boots International, which has brought brands like Strepsils, Clearsil & Sweetex into the company’s portfolio. Moreover, company officials reveal that they are continuously on the look out for acquisition targets to expand its brand portfolio. While some analysts may disagree with the strategy of adding too many brands quickly, one cannot deny that Reckitt Benckiser is known for its knack for making brands work wonders even in the most seemingly mundane categories.

Besides its focus on new product categories particularly in health care, the company has further decided to reposition its Dettol brand from its ‘perceived antiseptic soap’ image in order to tap the personal care category more aggressively. Reveals Steven Gaa, Marketing Director, South Asia, Reckitt Benckiser to B&E, “We will be launching more products under Dettol as the personal care market in India has the fastest growth rate among all other segments of FMCG.” The company plans to launch seasonal products like Dettol cool shower gels and also introduce variants in the sanitiser and beauty segment. Gaa does not seem perturbed with the already overcrowded FMCG space, as he states, “Dettol is a widely accepted brand in India, so all our ventures in personal care segment will have the brand name Dettol. We are also the market leader in antiseptic liquid segment, where no other player has a market share close to us.” He also claims that contribution of Dettol India to global turnover will be higher in the coming time.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

a result, appeals keep dangling in the Commission for more than 6 months.

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For how long can reluctant officials hide behind the veil of national interests to subvert the people’s right to know government machinery willingly parts with trivial information, but any information which exposes their misdemeanours is hard to extract. “They evade giving away the information which can prove to be anti-establishment,” said Suchi Pandey, Secretary National Campaign for People’s Right to Information while talking to B&E. Such an attitude of the government was experienced first hand by Social activist Sanjay Tiwari, when he asked for answers to 22 queries related to the pay & perks of the Parliamentarians and the associated bureaucrats. All he received was minimal information, because the establishment told him that much of the information sought was classified secret. Elaborating on the manipulative techniques adopted by the bureaucracy, Sanjay shared with B&E that the “bureaucracy is very clever.

They will answer your queries within the stipulated time-frame, but the information supplied is so adroitly managed that it will contain everything but the information demanded.” Furthermore, the entire process of getting the information from the government is back breaking. People have to run from pillar to post to find the Public Information officer (PIO) in the concerned department. The law stipulates that every department must display the RTI procedures at a prominent place at the entrance, but unfortunately, this is missing in majority of the offices. “Noida Authority has placed the RTI board in the toilet” Saurabh an activist with Josh told B&E. If a person is dissatisfied with government’s reply to his query, Provisions exist in the law, to file an appeal first with the department & with the Information Commission. 45 days is the limit set by the RTI Act for the disposal of the first appeal at the departmental level, however no-time limit is set for the Commissions to disposal of the second appeal. As a result, appeals keep dangling in the Commission for more than 6 months. There are roughly 4000 appeals pending with the Central Information Commission (CIC). Defending charges against the efficacy of CIC, Pankaj K P Shreyaskar, Deputy Secretary & Joint Registrar CIC told B&E, “In the last 3 months we have expedited the process of disposal of appeals.

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.

Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008

An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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B-schooled in India, Placed Abroad (Print Version)
IIPM in Financial times (Print Version)
IIPM makes business education truly global (Print Version)
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1500-plus IIPM students placed across the country with 44 bagging international offers
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Thursday, September 4, 2008

‘Blessed’ Apple!

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The ‘i’ factor did its job(s) well...

CAPPLE: INNOVATION & RESULTShristmas may not be round the corner just yet, but the celebrations have begun in Apple’s hallowed camp, what with a most remarkable fourth quarter ending September 2007? Surely, a period that exceeded all expectations with revenues of $6.22 billion and net profits of $984 million – showing a lofty yoy rise of 28.53% and 81.55% respectively, outshining overall industry growth of 19.02% & 43.22% in revenues and profits respectively over the same quarterly period.

And if this wasn’t enough for Apple investors, Steve Jobs, CEO, Apple Inc., optimistically predicted, “We’re looking forward to a strong December quarter as we enter the holiday season with Apple’s best products ever...” So what’s so brilliant about the whole performance? Well, to say the least, the quarter marked the highest sales of Macintosh computers which stood at a swashbuckling 2.16 million – more than any other quarter ever and a smashing 34% higher than sold last year. Also the fact that after a troubled third quarter (which included painful recalls of Apple Macbooks and legal fights over its iPhone), the company managed to sell an impressive 10.2 million iPods & 1.11 million iPhones. Apple’s cost-cutting strategy (leading to lower iPhone prices and some disgruntled customers) and investment on R&D has clearly worked in its favour. Adds Richard Ptak, Managing Partner, Ptak, Noel & Associates, “Apple’s strategy to cut the cost of iPhone gave it a big boost in sales this quarter. Apple has also updated & upgraded its processors & laptops including a re-designing of the iMac computer – all of which led to a spurt in demand.”

Talking about innovation, the latest attempt from Apple to lift-up its already gargantuan Mcap of $161.1 billion on the NASDAQ (as on October 29, 2007) is its launch of ‘Leopard’ operating software in the US on October 26, 2007. This certainly marks a giant leap at a time when 90% of the world’s PC users are using Windows OS. However, with the Leopard touted to be more user friendly than the Windows Vista OS (launched in January 2007, which couldn’t create many waves), and with in-built features like Time Machine (a backup function) and Spotlight (slated to be a faster search tool than Windows’ tool), it looks as if Jobs has another quarter lined-up to smile about. However, the only challenge that might stare at Apple is Leopard’s incompatibility with most third-party applications. However, challenges aren’t unknown to Jobs for whom the going seems to be good for quite some time now...

B&E research: Surbhi Chawla

For more articles, Click on IIPM Article.
Source : IIPM Editorial, 2008
An Initiative of IIPM, Malay Chaudhuri and Arindam Chaudhuri (Renowned Management Guru and Economist).

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B-schooled in India, Placed Abroad (Print Version)
IIPM in Financial times (Print Version)
IIPM makes business education truly global (Print Version)
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1500-plus IIPM students placed across the country with 44 bagging international offers
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The Hindu : Education Plus : Honour for IIPM
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The Hindu Business Line : IIPM placements hit a high of over 2000 jobs
Deccan Herald - IIPM ranked as top B-School in India
India eNews - IIPM Ranked No1 B-School in India
IIPM Delhi - Indian Institute of Planning and Management New Delhi ... : IIPM ranked ahead of IIMs
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